Sunday, November 26, 2023

Check Out This Trailer

Wow. So Mr. Never Intentionally Watches a Trailer Twice (that being your friendly neighborhood blogger) can't get enough of this one. Seriously. It's weird, too because I can't stop myself from watching it. Anyway, enjoy!

Seriously, that's the whole post. I'm just posting a link to a trailer from a movie that I'm totally excited to see that's a sequel from a franchise that I love. I'm not going to point out that this trailer makes its movie look exciting. I'm totes going to keep silent about the fact that it focuses on story. I won't even point out that it shows characters that we all know and care about. I'm going to shut my mouth about all of that.

I won't rub it in your face that this is one of the very few sequels of movies that had decades between releases that was actually worth watching. I won't mention that Ghostbusters: Afterlife was also a very good movie or that I reviewed it on this very blog. I would never do anything like that because, let's face it, that would be taking your attention away from a damn fine trailer.

So go back up there and watch the trailer. 


You watched it before you wrote this? Watch it again.

Because, let's face it, Hollyweird doesn't really care about providing quality entertainment anymore and it's becoming increasing rare to see a decent movie anymore. Their product is full of angst, whining and post-modern claptrap. They've become so obsessed with subverting norms that it is the norm what is subversive now. They think they're clever, but they're not.

So I'll leave you alone and ride off into the sunset, content with a job well done. Peace and love to all.

Some Ghostbusters related merchandise can be found below. If you click a link and purchase literally anything from Amazon I get a small percentage at no additional cost to you.

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